10 JANUARY 1987, page 19

Trial In Public

TO WASH out the sour taste of Guinness, here is another merged company as seen by its chairman: 'We are on trial before the eyes of the world and especially the eyes of our......

The Deserving Rich

PASS the hat round today in aid of the City's deserving rich, and you would be lucky to get much of your hat back. It was bold, then, of the Chancellor to talk about cutting the......

Poste Restante

NEW Year's Eve. The little sub-Post- Office is open, selling its usual stock of sweets and papers, but over its postal counter there is a blanket. I ask for a stamp. The owner......

George And The Tiger

NEWS of profound but obscure import reaches me from a New York banker. He says that George Shultz, the Secretary of State (and former Treasury Secretary) has a tiger on his......

City And Suburban

Reporting to the DPP's pending tray does no justice at Guinness CHRISTOPHER FILD ES T he Government has changed tactics on the Guinness inquiry. When it was first ordered,......