10 JULY 1953, page 26

Rhodes : A Conventional Portrait

Cecil Rhodes. By Andre Maurois. (Collins. Brief Lives. 7s. 6d.) M. MAUROIS disarms criticism by his bibliography, a casual selection of six secondary authorities. No one need......

Gay And Dirty

The English Housewife in the Seventeenth Century. By Christina Hole. (Chatto & Windus. 21s.) NoT everyone has the gift for writing social history, for it requires a patient......

Two Anthologies

New Poems 1953. A P.E.N. Anthology. Edited by Robert Conquest, Michael Hamburger, Howard Sergeant. Introduction by C. V. Wedgwood. (Michael Joseph. 10s. 6d.) THE year revolves,......

" Somewhat Like Poetry

The Singing Reel. By Moray McLaren. (Hollis and Carter. 16s.) MR. MCLAREN is one of those rare, happy people who respond to nostalgia by going home, whatever that may involve.......