10 JUNE 1905, page 15


A NOTABLE WORK ON THE ODYSSEY.* MOST readers of the Odyssey probably regard it as having little more relation to actual facts than Gulliver's Travels or the story of Sindbad the......

[to The Editor Of The "spectator...1 Sre,—you Were Good...

to let it be made known through your columns that the National Trust had, for a limited time, the option of purchase of more than seven hundred acres of mountain land on the......

(to Be Held At The Garden City, Letchworth, Near 'litchi'',

Herts.) Tax amount of subscriptions and fees received up to June 8th for the Cheap Cottages Exhibition is £1,320 15s. Od., in addition to -42320 promised to the Prizes Fund,......

[to Tim Editor Or Trh "spectato1i:1 Sir,—haa Mr. A. Smythe

Palmer's sixteen-year-old daughter so easily cleared away the obstacles which discomfited Zeno and other Greek thinkers (see Spectator, June 3rd) P Perhaps she has; at any rate,......

Over And Over The Broad Earth's Breast, Over And Over

the main, From the Isles of the East to the Isles of the West There is welded a golden chain. Over the hundred years gone by Voices are borne on the sea : "Ye have warred our......

The "spectator's" Alleged Unfairness To Women.

[To mg EDITOR OF THE "SmicrArou." J SrE,—I am sickened by the want of chivalry often displayed by writers in the Spectator, — for instance, in "The Antiseptics of Conduct" in......