10 JUNE 1949, page 4

The Recent Report Of The Pilgrim Trust Draws Public...

to a project which has been quietly taking shape for something like two years. The essential sentence in the report runs, "The Trustees made a new departure in policy by voting......

A Headline In The Evening Standard Last Week Was Pretty

baffling. It ran: "SHOP MI5 HUNT PRICE CUTS" I dare say some people were quicker on to it than I was. Some- one I was discussing it wish recalled a Heading less abstruse and......

A Spectator 's Notebook

C OMPARISON between the Labour and Conservative panels of which, apart from the spe t 'cial case of Lord Layton, the British delegation to the European Assembly is to consist is......

Labour Embattled

T HE annual conference of one of the two great political parties in this country is necessarily important. It is particularly important when it is a conference of the party......

Examination Fees, Headmasters, Headmistresses And Parents...

future to be a la carte instead of table d'hôte. Hitherto the various examining bodies have charged inclusive fees averaging (for there are slight differences between the......

Mr. Zilliacus, Late Of The Labour Party, Is, I See,

to launch a national peace campaign. His first war cry should shake Transport House and Downing Street as Hitler's bombs never did: "I am not going to see my grandchildren......

The Labour Party No Doubt Knows Its Business, But Its

failure to elect the Minister for Commonwealth Relations to a place on its executive will seem temost people surprising. There is no doubt an explanation. Mr. Philip Noel-Baker......