10 JUNE 1960, page 14

Homosexual Prosecutions

SIR,--Your homosexual correspondents should not suppose that all who fail to rally to their cause are constrained by 'irrational prejudice.' There are practical considerations.......

Sir,—mr. Karapiet Writing About South Africa Rather...

Mr. Eisenhower talking about peace. The technique is to stick to the most emotionally arresting issue (an issue by the way on which I do not and cannot disagree with him), an d......

Sir,—i Cannot Follow Mr. K. C. Rothery's Argument At All.

He seems to find something rather indelicate in criticising the morality or expediency of any law, or the methods used by the police to enforce it. This may suit Mr. Rothery......

St. Helena Story

Sm,—In his review of St. Helen Story in your issue of May 13, Cyril Ray comments on the 'British Grenadiers' that carried Napoleon's body to the grave at Geranium Vale. Although......

Little Black Quibba

SIR,—The comments aroused by my reference to two children's books by Miss Helen Bannerman seem to be either vaguely personal, irrelevant (for example, that they were first told......


SIR,—The weekly bulletin of the United Kingdom Information Service covering the period April 14- April 27 announced on the first page the Common- wealth Prime Ministers'......

Spanish Refugees

believe that many of your readers may be in- terested in helping some Forgotten Refugees, especially during World Refugee Year. They are the exiles from Franco's Spain, who have......

Suit,—the South 'african Freedom Association I S...

enrol all South Africans living abroad who are interested in assisting in furthering the cause of non-racial democracy in South Africa. We feel that this objective can best be......