10 NOVEMBER 1939, page 20

Rabbits For Food

Sul,—Sir Rowland Sperling's persevering campaign against the rabbit puts the farmer much in his debt, and it is only in the interests of natural history that I feel obliged to......

Pax Bloomsburiana Sta,—mr. Peter Fleming Has Obviously...

of pleasure out of writing his article which I, for one, certainly do not grudge him. There are sections of the Left Wing, about whom he is so petulant, who undoubtedly deserve......

Emergency Legislation

SIR,—The recent debate in the House of Commons on the Order in Council made under the Emergency Powers (Defence) Act, 1939, was of vital importance to all lovers of liberty. The......

Foxes In War - Time

Sm,—The author of " Country Life " notes in your issue of October 6th discusses the question of whether foxes should be allowed to breed in war-time. In some districts the fox......