10 OCTOBER 1903, page 1

Before We Leave Mr. Chamberlain's Glasgow Speech, And All...

well-meant rhetoric and enthusiastic sophistries, we must comment on the very alarming passage dealing with Colonial manufactures, which evidently shows that Mr. Chamberlain......

News Of The Week

O N Tuesday evening Mr. Chamberlain made his long- expected speech at Glasgow to an audience of some five thousand persons. The speech was oratorically a very fine effort, and......

On Wednesday Mr. Chamberlain Continued His Campaign By...

speech at Greenock. The most telling pas- sage was that in which he appealed to the workman to hit back at the foreigner. " I do not know—there may be something wrong in my......

We Have Dealt With Mr. Chamberlain's Main Arguments...

noted the astonishing delusion that our trade is stagnant, which delusion is arrived at by the process of considering exports as the sole index of prosperity and by regarding......

Mr. Chamberlain Calculates That Under The New Taxes,...

from the reductions, it would cost the agricultural labourer 16i farthings more a week to live than it'does at present, and the artisan 19t farthings more. This, Mr: Chamberlain......

*** The Editors Cannot Undertake To Return Manuscript, In...
