10 OCTOBER 1992, page 28

Give It A Miss

Sir: Isabel Wolff gave us a smile here by choosing, for her 'sloe-eyed, swimsuited beauty' who steps on to the Las Vegas stage in the 1995 Miss World Competition, Miss......

War On Gore

Sir: Jeremy Bowen's piece about the ethics of not filming the gory details of the war in Bosnia (`Trying not to cry', 29 August) misses the most important point. The rea- son......

Helpful Suggestion

Sir: It was good to read Nicholas Ridley again in The Spectator last week ('Wha t about the workers?', 3 October) — com - ment that will surely appeal to many of the natural......

Two Fingers

Sir: My son, a lorry driver, tells me that the two-fingered sign that unsettles Dr Greer is not a crude sexual insult, as described in Auberon Waugh's column in last week's......

The Social Contract

Sir: Tabitha Troughton's article (`Raiding in Reading', 5 September) was stimulating stuff. It is heartening to know that vigilant civil servants are catching and punishing......

On The Other Hand

Sir: You will not expect De Beers to agree with Edward Whitley's contention that 'the bottom is dropping out of the diamond market' (Tailing like a stone', 19 Septem- ber). In......