11 APRIL 1874, page 25


PETERS—On the 4th of April, at Venice, in the 22nd year of her age, Josephine Gemmel, second daughter of Josephine Gemmel and the late Samuel Twyford Peters, of New York.......

Sermons Preached In Manchester. By Alexander Maclaren....

Maclaren's reputation as a preacher is already well established, and these sermons fully support it. They have little to do, f■ - ,r the most part, with ecclesiastical, or oven......

Publications Of The Week. — 8 —.

Abercrombie (J.), Culture & Discipline of the Mind, &c. (Edmonston & Douglas) 3/6 /Odle (E.), Carvings and Sculptures of Worcester Cathedral, 4to... (Bemrose) 42/0 Archer (E.),......

Terms Of Surscarrnon.—yearly, 28s. 6d.; Half-yearly, 14s....

7s. 2d.; in advance, postage included. Single copy, 6d. ; 4y post, 60. To SUBSCRIBERS IN THE 17NITED STA'L'ES. — The Annual Subscription to the SPECTATOR, including postage to......