11 JANUARY 1862, page 17

Workhouse Hospit A Ls.

T HERE is a class of persons among us who are always talking of what they call practical benevolence, who will not assist in any object which has a touch of sentiment, consider......


smcz I last wrote, the impression made upon the London public by the marvellous performance of the Sisters Marchisio has deepened into an undeniable " sensation ;" and on their......

The National Anthem :—(letter To The Editor.)

London, January 6, 1862. Sin,—The article upon "National Anthems" in the last number of your journal, induces me to direct your attention to the following passage in Mr. T.......

Tee Lady Of La. Garaye :—(letter To The Editor). Sru,—in

your last week's number there is a notice of my poem, The Lady of to Garaye. Will you let me appeal to your cour- tesy for space in you own paper rather than attempt any......