11 JULY 1958, page 9

The Escape Of A Broadmoor Inmate, Coupled With The Failure

of the institution's warning system, has led to an ugly wave of hysteria in the Press, and will probably lead to renewed demands for tougher treatment of criminal lunatics. 'The......


By MARK BONHAM CARTER, MP rr HE closed shop is an ugly problem; and the story of the Aeronautical 'Engineers Associa- tion is a sad story and a bad story. Since the......

Only A Few Mps Stayed To Discuss The Public Records

Bill last Friday, and much of their time was spent on tedious semantics: what constitutes `reasonable facilities'; what distinguishes 'facili- ties' from 'accommodation': and......

Not Unnaturally, ' The Fate- Of The Casement `diaries'...

in the course of the debate; and as , usual the Government spokesman took refug e in equivOcation. If Mr. Emrys Hughes wants to know where 'the 'diaries'• are kept, the S......

Rou.owing On The 'bishops' Report' Which Caused A Stir In

Scotland, an interim statement has just been issued on the conversations which have been ' going on between the Church of England and the Methodist Church about intercommunion.......