11 JULY 1987, page 23

Vandal Mp

Sir: In your issue for 6 June, I concluded my paragraph on my voting intentions by stating that, 'if I lived in Cambridge it would be a duty to vote Conservative, but I don't so......

Sir: John Mortimer Has A Comfortable House On The Berkshire

Downs which was built by his father and which presumably he inherited. He and his fellow writers, including Peter Jay, do not understand the aspirations of ordinary people who......

Sir: Steinbeck Defined Politicians As People Who Approach...

with an open mouth'. Chekhov considered it a writer's function to 'intercede for the guilty'. 'Should writers think?' by John Mortimer speaks up for those who feel guilty about......

Letters Mortimer's Politics

Sir: Hugely though I enjoyed John Mor- timer's performance on 27 June as The Man They Cannot Gag, there is, I think, a reason he may have overlooked to explain why he and his......

Bradford Bounce

Sir: I looked in vain in the article 'Inner city of dreadful night', 27 June, by Mr Richard West (which, although purporting to be on the inner cities, relied for much of its......

Bearing Arms

Sir: Writing recently of a fracas in New York (High life, 13 June) in which hysteric- al women tried to debag him, Taki said: 'They only managed to get two of my cuff-links and......