11 JUNE 1864, page 3

Mr. John Coleman, Who Dates From Marshall's House,...

started a new idea of descent. In a letter to the l imes he calls upon the public to subecribe for one George Shakespeare, who gets his living by daily labour, but who is a......

The House Of Commons On Tuesday Rejected Mr. Caird'aplan For

the collection of agricultural statistics from specimen districts.......

The Great 'vi Heal Metal Tin Mining Company, Capital...

in 10 4 000 shares of 2/. each, proposes to purchase, at a cost of 7,0001., a valuable mining property, in the parish of Bteage, Corn- wall, which the directors anticipate may......

The Government Has Within The Last Week Proposed Three Con-

siderable grants,--500/. a year to the widow of Sir JohnInglis, who defended Lucknow, and. who died too early to reap the profits of his consequent promotion, 1,000/. a year to......

It Appears That The Promotion Of M. Renan To Be

Sub-Curator of the Imperial Library was really a dismissal. M. Renan therefore refused to accept it, but the Minister of Instruction intends to fill up his place. As M. Renan......

On Ftiday, The 3rd Inst., A Debate Occurred, Too Late

for our issue, upon Naval pay,..which brought out a strong remonstrance from M. Gladstone. Sir L. Palkyanted to pay Masters a little higher, whereupon all the Naval men in the......

A. Bad Accident Happened.on Tuesday To A Train On The

South- Western Railway returning from Ascot. A very heavy train left Ascot about seven p.m.,.and ran safely to Egham. There it was delayed, some gentlemen- objeoting, to travel......

The Yelverton Case Has Been Filling The Legal Division Of

the papers all the week, the appeal against the Scotch decision having en= up before the Lords. As yet only the appellant has been heard, and Mr. Rolt, his counsel, rests his......

Yesterday And On Friday Week The Leading Foreign...

at the following quotations :— Fridity, June-3. Friday, June 10. Greek Do. Coupons '"• • • 211, 11, .. 241 101 Mexican .. 441 451 Spanish Passive 801 32i Do, Certificates......

An Important Meeting Of Members- Of The Universities-...

interested in the question.of University Reform- witiplield on Friday afternoon at' the Freemasons' Tavern, Mr. Bouverie, M.P., in the chair. The House of Commons was well......

The Minimum Rate Of Discount At The Bank Of England

remains at 7 per cent., and the quotation in the open market for good short-dated paper is 64i per cent., showing no alteration from the close of- last week. The stock of......

The Lords Had On Monday Night A Long And Amusing

discussion -on the Report on Public Schools, generally very unfavourable to -reform. Almost every proposal was resisted by somebody or other, Lord de Roe even objecting to any......