11 JUNE 1870, page 3

Yesterday Week The Fathers Of The Vatican Council, By A

requi- sition signed by 150 prelates, demanded the closing of the general debate on the preamble to the scheme on the primacy of the Pope. The vote was taken, and a great......

There Is One Great Defect In The Intellects Of English

swindlers. They will have it that the public has some sense, yet nothing can be more certain than that it has none. It was proved on Tuesday at the Mansion house that one......

We Call The Attention Of Our Roman Catholic...

Professor Max Muller's assertion that St. Josephat, whose festival is celebrated in the Roman Church on the 27th November, never was a Catholic or a Christian at all, but only......

We Fear From The Latest Accounts Published Before Going To

press that both the contest in the Isle of Wight and that in South Leicestershire are lost by the Liberals,—the latter certainly. Ac- cording to the Conservative return, Mr.......

The Master Of Balliol, Dr. Scott, Has Been Offered And

has accepted the Deanery of Rochester, vacant by the death of Dr. Dale. He is the joint author with Dr. Liddell, the Dean of Christ -C'hurch, of the well-known Greek lexicon by......

Lord Derby Made Another, And An Even Better Speech, By

way of appeal for the restoration of Chester Cathedral, on the follow- ing day (Tuesday), at St. George's Hall, Liverpool. It seems that Chester Cathedral has just been......

The Proprietor Of The Figaro Has This Week Amused Himself

by hoaxing half Europe. He announced that he had sold his paper for a huge sum to the Republicans, but had consented to edit it for a day in their interest, and accordingly......

The Court Of Common Pleas Decided On Thursday That Bribes

given to influence a test-ballot were bribes given to influence an -election, and therefore invalidated such election. This decision, given immediately in the case of Bristol,......

Mr. Goldwin Smith Thinks He Is The Oxford Professor Alluded

to in " Lothair." He has, consequently, published in the principal London papers the following savage letter, addressed to Mr. Disraeli:— " Cornell University, Ithaca, State of......

Consols Were On Friday Evening 92i To 92k.
