11 JUNE 1910, page 16

Ito Mr Editor Of Ter "spectator.")

Srn,—Are you sure of your facts ? You describe the Star as "the great inciter to betting." You state that it urges "men to put their money on a horse." Can you quote a single......

[to Tax Editor Or Ass " Spectator "] Sin,—may I, As

an old and appreciative reader of the Spectator, point out that the simile you have adopted, and frequently recurred to, in the Rowntree-Cadbury controversy is not quite a fair......

Pro The Editor Of The "srectsros."] Sir, —in Reply To Your

correspondents who urge the impossi- bility a the best of men running a London evening halfpenny paper without interesting the betting people, you give and repeat certain......

[to Tax Editor Or Th1 " Spectator. "] Srn,—we In York

sometimes wonder if the big cocoa works which fill the streets at closing-time with countless boys and girls, none of whom are learning a trade, or, judging from the streets......

[to Ter Editor Or Mr "siiictator.']

Sra,—The paper you are editor of attacks evil ; but are you sure that you and it do not support evil in some cases simply because if you did not you would do far more evil by......

[to Thr Editor Or Ter " Spictator."]

have read with disgust the nauseous attempts of Mr. Parke, "A Working Journalist," and Mr. Reid in your last issue to justify the Cadburys and the Rowntrees in their practical......

[to The Editor Or Tax " Spectator. "] Sir, —as A Thirty

years' reader of the Spectator, I am much interested in the ethics of the Press as given in your issue of the 4th inst. May I be allowed to point out two other factors which are......