11 MARCH 1960, page 15

Sir. — You Imply In Your Article 'classical Education'...

economists, as well as scientists, are crammed for 0 level. But in all public schools and first-class grammar schools the vast majority of A-stream non-scientists will have done......

Classical Education Sir,—surely Your Comment On The...

Oxford University committee set up to con- sider entrance requirements is misleading in one important respect? You quote the committee's ob- servation in paragraph 6 of its......

Torrid Zones Erskine B. Childers Classical Education...

Stebbing, A. E. Gunther. Sixten Ringbonr Algerian Refugees H. Shaw Left-over Left Silvan Jones Nola F. G. Hedger Wallace Underdog Confessions Philip Toynbee Craves of Academe......