11 MAY 1889, page 3

Sir William Harcourt Made A Speech Against The Government At

Bromley on Wednesday, attacking them at all points at which he thought that they were vulnerable, He began with the Sugar. Bountiesmeasure, predicting that if measures were......

This Country Imports, On The Average, A Million Tons Of

wheat every year from India, and expects to import more. With this wheat is mixed a proportion of dirt so great that we, in fact, buy 3,000,000 cwt. of earth from India at the......

The Bill Of Which Mr. Milvain Moved The Second Reading

on Wednesday, the object of which is to abolish flogging in the case of incorrigible rogues and vagabonds, but to intro- duce it as at least one of the punishments which may be......

Sir Hercules Robinson, Chief Commissioner In South...

of the Cape, has, it is said, consented to retain both offices for three years longer. He is greatly trusted by the Colonial Office, but he is said to insist strongly on two......

The Academy Dinner On Saturday Was Differentiated From...

chiefly by a pleasing announcement from Lord Salisbury. The Premier told his audience that a private gentleman had offered that morning, if the Government would find a site near......

The Bill Legalising Marriage With A Deceased Wife's...

again defeated in the Lords on Thursday, by the unusually heavy majority of 147 to 120. No new arguments were pro- duced or producible, but Lord Herschell, in speaking for the......

Sir Frederick Leighton Had No Particular Subject Before...

and was therefore less ornately eloquent than usual, producing no sentence quite on a level with his description of "the blue riot of the rolling hills." He made, however, a......

The Attack Made On The Naval Defence Bill On Monday,

after one of the obstructive debates raised by a motion for adjournment on the Falcarragh evictions, collapsed on Tuesday night, when the second reading was carried by a......

Bank Rate, 2.1 Per Cent.

New Consols (21) were on Friday 9ei to 99.......