11 NOVEMBER 1837, page 8

Alr.colquhoun, Of Killermont, Alp. For Kilmarnock, Lately...

attack Mr. O'Connell, and the religion be professes, in a speech published in the ..4pe ..-Ideerti,”..r. The attack has drawn forth a pun.. gent reply from O'Connell, in the......


The Dundee Advertiser, a Parnell- Ministerial paper, snys that Lord Durham's opinions must have been "considerably trodi:led" since his tour it, Scodund in 1834- " His letter to......

From The Paris Correspondence Of The Daily Journals, We...

the particulars of a strange proceeding, in which the Duke of Hamilton and Lord and Lady Lincoln are concerned. It appears that Lady Lincoln, the Duke of Hamilton's daughter,......


Sir Robert Peel has arrived in Paris. The story of his intended return to the Lord Mayor's show was probably a party Tube. Lord and Lady Lyrnlhuret and Lord Canterbury are to......

A Correspondent Of The Times, Noticing The Remark In Last

Spectator, on the anxiety of the Tories to keep Lord Hill at the Horse Guards, enters into a defence of his Lordship's conduct as Commander-in- Chief— " If general opinion be......