11 OCTOBER 1980, page 16

Vive La France!

Vive la France! Sir: Sam White has drawn attention to the negative and pig-headed attitude displayed by large sections of the British press to all things French (27 September).......

[sir: It Is Always Interesting To See A Myth...]

Sir: It is always interesting to see a myth created. Of the Euston Arch A.J.P. Taylor writes (27 September): 'British Rail actual Iy refused to allow the stones of the arch tO......

The Cult Of The Wild

Letters The cult of the wild Sir: As %oU saw fit to dcvote your editorial of 27 Septermbcr to mn problems in Kent. perhaps xou might allow me space to reply. Strangely enough. I......

Arts Counsellor

Arts counsellor Sir: No doubt Alexander Chancellor would find it perfectly casv to answer Charles Osborne's strictures (4 October) and to justify his view that the Arts Council......

[sir: In His Entertaining Article.]

Arcades and arches Sir: In his entertaining article. 'A SoLIthport childhood' (2() September). A.J.P. Taylor speaks of laussmann makinri arcades iIl Paris. I believe the only......

Hoi Polloi

Hoi polloi Sir: I am sure that Taki is able to speak for himself, hut it is surely David Pugh who is in error (Letters. 4 October). I loi polloi' transliterated as such is no......