11 SEPTEMBER 1915, page 13

[to T118 Editor Of Tile " Spoor...no."1

full public endorsement of over half a million of ourpe ople it is , r as possible with those used for others which he is likely to imes that the transliteration used for one......


l Sir, &c., " The Press," Christchurch, New Zealand, July 23rd.......

Privates And Commissions.

" SPECTATOR.") SIR,—Your correspondent on the subject of commissions for men serving in the ranks does not seem to be aware of the Memo. issued by the Army Council on July 24th......

An Out-and-out Victory: The Only One Of Any Use To

US. [To THE EDIT011, OP THE "SPECTATOR."] Sin, — The policy of the Imperial Maritime League has never once swerved from its course. Founded on the German Emperor's forty-ninth......

[to Tue Editor Or Tile "spectator. "]

out that a......