12 APRIL 1940, page 26

Aeschylus And Gilbert Murray

Aeschylus the Creator of Tragedy. By Gilbert Murray. (Clarendon Press. 7s. 6d.) PROFESSOR MURRAY, who has already edited Aeschylus for scholars and translated and expounded him......

Novels In Transition

The Novel in the Modern World. By David Daiches. (Cam- bridge. University Press 15s.) MR. DAVID DAICHES is a man - with a theory which, in his own words, is "that the most......

Lord Bute And King George

Letters from George HI to Lord Bute. 1756-1766. Edited by Romney Sedgwick. (Macmillan. as.) WE were nearly all, it seems, misled for years by those great corruptors of youth,......