12 AUGUST 1848, page 9

The Electric Telegraph Conveys This Intelligence, Dated "...

evening "— " Richard O'Gorman, one of the insurrectionist healers, escaped yesterday from the Shannon, in a vessel bound fur America. A war-steamer has gone in pursuit." In the......


ii The House of Commons spenimany hours yesterday, at the early sit- ting and again in thq evening, in - Committee of Supply, first on the Naval, and then on the Miscellaneous......

At Aigbnrth, Near Liverpool, The Child Of John Greenwood,...

picked up some waste paper, and crumpled it idly in one hand, while he carried in the other his father's tea. He played with his companions half an hour, while his father took......

The Times Gives The Following Sketch "from A Spectator "-

" At twelve o clock last night the condition of honourable Members in the two galleries of the House of Commons was most pitiable. Legislation is evil ntly much inure fatiguing......