12 AUGUST 1854, page 19

The Art 'union.

The pictures chosen by the prize-holders of the Art Union for the year 1854 are now to be seen at the Gallery of the Society of British Artists in Suffolk Street. It is......

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THE NATIONAL GALLERY. The pictures bequeathed by Lord Colborne, and those bought at Mr. De Bammeville's sale, have recently been placed on the walls of the Na- tional Gallery.......

Oriental And Turkish Musette.

An exhibition of somewhat the same character as the Chinese collection which first gave name and fame to the building now called St. George's Gallery has been opened there this......

Publications Received.

Boons. Turkey, Ancient and Modern ; a History of the Ottoman Empire from the period of its Establishment to the Present Time. With an Ap- pendix. By the Reverend R. W. Fraser,......