12 DECEMBER 1908, page 19

"the Irish Dames Of Ypres."

[To THE EDITOR 01 TEl "SPECTATOR. " ] Sts,—A friend has drawn my attention to your review of my book, "The Irish Dames of Ypres," in your issue of Novem- ber 28th, in which your......

The Late Bishop Gott.

[To THE EDITOR OF TUB "SPECTATOR. " ] is proposed to issue a volume of the letters of the late Bishop of Truro, together with a short biographical sketch from the pen of......


[To TES EDITOR 01 TES " Eirgarnos."1 Sxa,—At the conclusion of the review of Mr. Douglas Black- burn's latest novel, " Leaven," which appeared in your issue of September 26th,......

The East London Needlework Club. [to The Editor Of Till"se

IcarAToR.1 SIR,—At this time of year, when people are buying garments as Christmas presents for their servants and for poor people, perhaps they might be glad to know of the......

Unemployment And The Garden City.

[TO Tila EDITOR Or TII "SPEoraTon.' ] SIR,—Thoughtful writers on the unemployment question have recently pointed out that the only really hopeful way to give immediate relief to......

March Cuckoos.

[To TEl EDITOR Or TEl "SPECTATOR. "] Sin,—Since you sometimes like to print letters on natural history, I may perhaps be allowed to mention the appearance of the Bulletin of the......

Flowers In The Shetlands.

[TO TRH EDITOR OP TILE "SP ECTPATOR:] SIR,—On Sunday, November 29th, while looking over flower- bed and border for the last lingering blooms of the past season, I was astonished......