12 DECEMBER 1914, page 14

Cicero On The Censorship. [to The Editor Of Tut...

SIR,—A phrase in one of Cicero's letters to his brother Quintus seems accurately to foreshadow and justify the action taken by the Censorship in regard to a recent rumoured......

What We Owe To The Navy.

[To TUT EDITOR OP THY " SPECTATOR...1 Sin,—It is the fashion with certain writers and newspapers to disparage the priceless work done in this war by the British Navy. Those......

Matthew Arnold And Conscription.

]TO THE EDITOR OP THE "SPECTATOR."1 Sin,—The following passage from Matthew Arnold's Culture and Anarchy, written in 1869, ia, I think, interesting, not only as showing the......

[to Ter Editor Of Ter "srzerwroa.1 Sin,—is It Not Time

that the Censor transferred some of the energy he is at present expending in suppressing news to the task of preventing items like the following being circulated in provincial......

The War, The Press, And The Public.

[To THI EDITOR 07 TIM "EirEcrAroa."] SIR,—In your article of last week headed "The Policy of Mystification " you say : " Such censorship as has been exercised in our columns has......