12 FEBRUARY 1887, page 1

Sir Henry James's Speech Was A Fine Bit Of Oratory,

as well as a fine bit of argument. He described the " Plan of Campaign" as a plan by which one party to a con- tract was urged not to fulfil it, and to dispose of the rights......

Mr. Goschen Was Returned For St. George's, Hanover...

Wednesday, by a majority of 4,157 over his opponent, Mr. Hayman, the Home.raler. For Mr. Goschen there voted 5,702 electors, for Mr. Haysman, 1,545, so that Mr. Goschen had not......

News Of The Week.

• T HE European situation remains unchanged. The Powers still talk of peace, and the financial speculators are much more cheerful ; but with the exception of the increasing......

Sir Henry James Presided Last Saturday At The Assembly Room

of the Free-trade Hall, Manchester, in a Conference of the Liberal Unionists of South-East Lancashire, and of the neighbouring divisions of North-East Lancashire and Cheshire. A......

The Pope Has Interfered In Politics With A Vengeance. Under

his orders, Cardinal Jacobini transmitted a letter to the leader of the Centre in the German Parliament, instructing him that, " in view of the approaching revision of the May......

• .* The Editors Cannot Undertake To Return Manueoript, In

any ease.......