12 JANUARY 1878, page 15

South Africa.

[TO THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR:"] have read with deep regret your article on the new diffi- culty in South Africa. You write of Ketahwayo as if he were a mere savage, whose......

The University Of London And Women's Degrees.

(TO THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTAT0R:1 SIR,-It appears to me that if any members of our Convocation who are favourable to the admission of women to London degrees vote against the......


[TO THE EDITOR OF THE uSPECTATOR.1 SIR,—My experience as a magistrate, and my reading of police reports, convince me that Miss Cobbe is right in asserting that men have no such......

Children's Toys.

[TO THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR."] Stu,—Will you allow me, in reference to your interesting article on "Children's Toys," to suggest a very simple means for the amusement of......

[to The Editor Of The "spectator:1

SIR,—Everyone interested in the general, and more especially in the medical, education of women must thank you heartily for your admirable article of last week, and for no part......