12 JULY 1913, page 16

Mr. Tovey, Gray, And Dante.

[To THE EDITOR OE TRE "SPECTATOR"] SIR,—The writer of the article on Gray in the Spectator of July 5th is hardly justified in his criticism of Mr. Tovey for giving "non ragionar......

Catholic Doctrine.

[To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR."] SIR, — I was exceedingly surprised at a cutting enclosed in the correspondence columns of your issue of July 5th, and were it not for the......

Joan Of Arc.

[TO THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR."] Sin,—I think you may be amused by the following short essay on Joan of Arc. It was written by a little girl, and seems to me admirably......

The Psalter.

[To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR.") SIR,—Your correspondent " Senex " objects to Psalm cix. on account of the imprecations in it. The explanation of the late Archbishop Benson......

The Name Of Swanage.

[To THE EDITOR OE THE " SPECTATOR."] SIR,—It is to be regretted that your correspondent should give further circulation to the guess that Sy? anage derives its name from a Dane......


[To THE EDITOR OF TEE "SPECTATOR"] Ssn,—A correspondent in the Spectator of July 5th asks for examples of English palindromes. A very interesting collection is that in the......

Sir John Hewett.

[TO THE EDITOR 07 THE "SPECTATOIt."] Sin,--Together, I feel sure, with all who have served with him, I cannot but feel disgusted with the savage attack recently made in the......

Old Haileyburians.

[To THE EDITOR 07 THE "SPECTATOR.") SIR, — You were so good in December 1911 as to allow to appear in your columns an appeal to old Haileyburians on behalf of the new Big School......

Imperial Migration.

[To THE EDITOR 07 THE "SPECTATOR."] SIR, — Mr. T. E. Sedgwick is hardly fair to Boards of Guardians in what he says under this heading. Emigration for the Poor Law child,......

Boy Scouts In The Cape Verde Islands.

[TO THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR."] SIR,—The numbers of the Spectator dealing with "The Honour of a Scout" reached us at our last port of call, St. Vincent, Cape - Verde......