12 MARCH 1870, page 3

The Count De Montalembert Has Been Again Writing Very Dis-

respectfully, not to say almost hysterically, of the Ultramontane party. The Count draws a distinction between the Gallicanism which he ridiculed in 1847, and the GallicaniSm......

The Accounts Of The Sinking Of The Oneida, Twenty Miles

from Yokohama, Japan, by the Bombay, read badly. The Bombay agent of the P. & 0. Company telegraphs that the Bombay on 24th -January was steaming eight knots an hour, when the......

Mr. Berkeley, The Member For Bristol, And Persistent...

the Ballot, is dead, and .three candidates are worrying the -constituency on the Liberal side. Mr. Kirkman Hodgson, Ex-Governor of the Bank of England, and Mr. Robinson, local......

S. Sella, The Italian Minister Of Finance, Produced His...

on March 10. The budget for 1870 shows a deficiency of £6,440,000, to which must be added £320,000 for "unforeseen expenses," making £6,760,000 as the deficiency of the year.......

A Most Extraordinary Case Was Heard Before The Lord Chief

Justice at Chelmsford on Saturday. An unmarried woman named Smart gave birth to a seven months' child in the presence of her mother and Eliza Stark. The child was either......

The Irish Correspondent Of Yesterday's Times Refers To An...

vation of ours some weeks ago on the extreme untrustworthiness of the statements made in this and other Irish correspondences of English papers, in order to indicate the truth......

A Certain County Court Judge, Mr. W. H. Cook, Q.c.,

has been quite a subject of interest this week in Parliament. First, Mr. Eykyn wanted to know whether he was the same Mr. Cook scheduled as a briber at Beverley, which Sir R.......

The Telegraph Mentions A Story For Which We Have Seen

no other authority, that the Italian Government have engaged the services of Baron Haussmann to build a completely new capital for Italy, to be called Nueva Roma. The idea is a......

The Question Whether Insanity Can Be Pleaded As A Bar

to divorce will be argued next term before a full Court. Lord Penzance, in making the order, observed that whatever the result of that argument, the petitioner ought to be......

The Llfarseillaise Publishes A Letter Purporting To Be...

Rossa, in which he states that he is compelled to rest upon his knees and elbows to take his food, is half-starved, deprived of light, and given " chains and a Bible." Once a......

Consols Were On Friday Evening 921 To 921.
