12 MARCH 1887, page 15

Mr. Harrison On Home-rule.

[To Tao Emcee or Tax "SPECTATOR:1 Sia,—The question between "An ex-M.P." and myself is quite- different from that suggested in your editorial note. It is,. whether or not he......

The Publisher Versus The Author.

[To TM EDITOR 07 TRY n SPRCTAT08.1 SIR, —Let me, as a publisher, thank you for your admirable article in the Spectator of March 5th, "Mr. Besant on Authors' Profits." The......

Earthquakes On The Nerves.

[TO TRII EDITOR 07 TER '• SPROTATOR."] your news notes of February 26th, you speak of "some as yet unascertained physical effect on the nerves" caused by earthquakes. Are the......