12 MAY 1928, page 41

Brook Evans. By Susan Glaspell: (victor Gollancz. 7s....

of this distinguished dramatic author is not so tense and subtle as her plays - and the psychology of her latest novel is more unequal than its careful style. Naomi Copeland......


Romance and Realism Mr. Hodge: and -Mr. Hazard. By Elinor Wylie. (Heinemann. The English, Miss: )3y R. H. - Mottran' (Chatto and Windt's. WHEN Elinor Wylie writes, I surrender......

London Lore

Wanderings in Medieval London. By Charles Pendrill. (Allen. • Illustrated. 10s. 6d.) Losrnox is like Africa. The main features of both are now explored and tolerably well known,......

The Age Of Reason. By Sir Philip Gibbs. (hutchinson. 7s.

6d.)—This novel, with its admirably vital picture of post-War society, might more appropriately be called " The Age of Pleasure." Sir Philip Gibbs does not whip the dead horse......