12 MAY 1939, page 18

Indicative Trout

A more specialistic group than the mere tourist or holiday- maker is up in arms. The fishermen are alarmed ; and they are a valuable company, not because they catch trout, but......

Country Life

A " Kindred Point " Any lover of the English landscape or of its birds is advised to visit Baggy Point in North Devon, which has just been given by two generous ladies to the......

Little England

It remains to secure for the nation that yet finer bit of coast by St. David's Head, in Pembrokeshire. When secured, as I must believe it will be, it will form the nucleus of a......

Sham Garden Cities

What is a garden city? I drove last week through some houses that were given the name, and they seemed to me to constitute a particularly good specimen of riband development. It......

Pure Water One Other Task Is Before The Preservers Of

England. The " Friends of the Lakes " (whose friendship is very jealous) are not a little disturbed by the emulsification, so to say, of one, at any rate, of the streams that......

The Technique Of Song

Students of birds have become so ardent that the minutest point is not omitted. Here are two examples of the thorough- ness of observation. Thorburn, that most faithful of......

In The Garden

In the orchard counties a good many experiments are being made by private growers, as well as at the research stations, in regard to fruit-tree pests. One very expert......