12 NOVEMBER 1887, page 3

The British Government Has Had A Piece Of Good Fortune

in Asia. Ayoub Khan, after months of what must have been most romantic adventure, has voluntarily surrendered himself to the British Agent at Meshed, in Persia. He appears to......

The Agitation In The Canadian Dominion In Favour Of Free.

trade with the United States is obviously gaining strength. At a recent conference of all the Provincial Premiers of the Dominion, it was resolved that the control of all......

Turning To Ireland, He Held That, 'in Spite Of The

Renbens of politics" who here and there, "unstable as water, had rolled back to the place where they bad originally been," the Unionists are now more closely united than they......

Judgment Was Given On Thursday In The Dublin Court Of

Exchequer on the appeal of the Law Officers of the Crown from the decision of Mr. O'Donel, the Police-Magistrate, to the effect that it was necessary for the prosecutors of a......

Lord Salisbury's Speech Was Marked By But One Important...

the announcement that Ayoub Khan, the Lord Salisbury's speech was marked by but one important announcement, the announcement that Ayoub Khan, the Afghan pretender, had......

Count Kalnoky, The Austrian Chancellor, On Saturday Made...

speech to the Delegations, in which he stated his belief that all danger of foreign interference had been warded off from Bulgaria. Prince Ferdinand had been legitimately......

Are There Men Among Us, Not Belonging To The Unemployed,

who really desire to produce a conflict between rioters and the State P On Tuesday, Sir C. Warren, finding that the perpetual agitation in Trafalgar Square and its neighbourhood......

Bank Rate, 4 Per Cent.

Consols were on Friday 1021 to 102/.......

We Regret To Notice, On Sunday, The Death Of Lord

Wolverton, better known as Mr. G. G. Glyn, formerly Whip of the Liberal Party, and Mr. Gladstone's most devoted friend and follower. Mr. Glyn had not Mr. Adam's keen sagacity......