12 NOVEMBER 1954, page 14

Free Thought

SIR,—It is sad when a man of Mr. Betjeman's humanity and intellectual gifts indulges in cheap sneers at beliefs that have inspired many patient workers for the betterment of the......

Prison And Homosexuals

Si, — Lord Justice Finnemore, in dealing with a prisoner charged this week with a home) , sexual offence, said that he thought that a prison specially founded for the treatment......


Sm,—your Correspondence On The Subject Of Bogusly...

Midland Regional trains was last week extended to. boat trains. May I conduct it on board the cross-channel steamer? Here a similar practice is applied to the distribution of......

Railway Rackets

SIR,—A different railway racket, equally intolerable and less controvertible, seems worthy of your animadversion. I refer to the appalling and monstrous distortion of canned......

The Netherlands And South Africa

SIR,—Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands has been paying a two weeks' official visit to the Union of South Africa. The Cape Times of October 23 reports him as saying in a public......


COCK I .—Jack Bctjeman is on cockeyed about nostalgia bein a kinder catarrh. Ve of Uggins it is mob, reckernising the true cockney origin of this vord, uv used it for years. We......