12 OCTOBER 1907, page 15

The Late Sir William Molesworth.

[To TER EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR."] 8111, — In 1904 you published a letter from me calling attention to the claims of a great Cornish statesman' to a ' county memorial, and a......


[To THE EDITOR OF TUC "SPECTATOR. "] Sin, — In the Spectator of September 7th a reviewer says that there are some absurd theories in " How to Fish, " a hook written by me. " We......

[to Tee Editor Of The "spectator. "] Sia, — Mr. Willett...

interfering with the clock, quoted in your issue of August 3rd, is a reforth which will probably never be adopted, because the practical man will condemn it as fanciful. But......


rTO mils EDITOR OF THE " seseraven."1 SIR, —I have been much interested in your discussion of old- age pensions and cognate questions ; but there is a side of the " thrift "......

The Waste Of Daylight.

[To THE EDITOR Of THY "SPECTATOR. "] Srn,—However• much Mr. Willett's ideas respecting "the waste of daylight " may form an attractive target for humorous critics, they would,......

A Nigerian Aerolite.

[To THE EDITOR or THE "SPECTATOR."] SIR, —The erroneous, but extremely plausible, assumption that only a solid body can strike a blow may account for the universal belief in......