12 SEPTEMBER 1958, page 7

I Have Seen An Account Of Modern British Litera- Ture

in the yearbook of the Soviet Encyclopmdia, which shows that the Russians are enthusiastic categorisers, in Mr. Allsop's vein. The main trend covered is the Lucky Dzhims—the......

If The Writer Wants To Make Sure That His Letter

is opened by the addressee and not by anybody else, then he can put 'Private' on the envelope. But this is not necessarily an intimation that the con- tents are for the......

More Than Once Recently I Have Found Myself In Arguments

about what, if anything, is the distinc- tion between `Personal,' Private' and 'Confiden- tial' on correspondence. It seems to me that they have, or ought to have, three quite......

A Spectator's Notebook

EVER SINCE SUEZ, Ministers and Government back-benchers have been telling us with some monotony that this country was not and would not be a satellite of America. So . much for......

I Suspect That Mr. R. A. Butler Would Be An

even more successful politician if he were a less good politician. He has a way of finding rationalisations to justify what his party has or has not done : they are usually......

Lord Goddard's Age And Character And The Per- Sonality Cult

that grew up around him greatly enlarged the office of Lord Chief Justice of England. It had certainly grown too big to be filled by the Attorney-General, who may perhaps be......

Meanwhile The Situation In The Far East Is Quite Bad

enough without speeches of the kind the Chief of Air Staff made in Sheffield on Monday. `If the Chinese start using nuclear weapons,' said Air Chief Marshal Sir Dermot Boyle,......