13 APRIL 1974, page 5

I L,2 Find It Increasingly Difficult To Avi Ct Any Degree Of

rationality in 41 Holbrook's writings. He seems j00,111,Mand space in the weeklies 1 ' lla proportional to the support he er the case he presents. latest article does not help.......

Sir: David Holbrook Is Incontestably Right In Claiming...

legislative curb is needed on the present systematic debasement of public taste, in the cinematic field especially. Nonetheless I can never read any article deploring the......

Victorian Chivalry

From Eric E. Rich, M.A., Ph.D. Sir: Victor Montagu, in your issue of March 30, gives the impression that Queen Victoria personified the age of chivalry, but 1 expect he does not......

Sir Alec

Sir: — Many will endorse, and mostly rightly, what Patrick Cosgrave writes about Sir Alec Douglas Home's character and personality. That he is an extremely nice and honest man......

Sir: May I Add A Ps To Your Article On

Sir Alec Douglas-Home (March 30)? The 14th Earl has been contemptuously dismissed by some as an anachronism. Maybe he is, but if so, what a remarkable and resilient specimen! He......

Private Lives?

Sir: It was at a public meeting in Edinburgh last year that I was made aware of the horror and the extent of what has resulted from the 1967 abortion act. The main speaker at......

Contraceptive Politics

Sir: Ronan Fanning's sneering article claims that it was not liberal zeal which made the Irish Government introduce a Bill to legalise contraception. but rather a Supreme Court......