13 AUGUST 1937, page 28

Triumphant Pilgrimage By Owen Rutter

David Chale (an assumed name), ex-district officer in Sarawak, over lunch at Quaglino's, asked Mr. Rutter to write for him the story of his pil- grimage to Mecca. He explained,......

A Corner Of Empire— The Old Ontario Strand By T.

R. Glover and D. D. Calvin Kingston, Ontario, the seat of Queen's University, stands on the site of the French Fort Frontenac, where the St. Lawrence leaves Lake Ontario. It was......

The Peat Fire Flame By' Afasdair Alpin Macgregor

Mr. MacGregor claims that " the great bulk " of his collection of Highland folk-tales (Moray Press, rzs. 6d.) " con- sists of fresh, unpublished material " ; any reader familiar......

Current Literature

THE WAYFARER'S COMPANION By Arnold Fellows In The Wayfarer's Companion (Oxford University Press, 6s.) Mr. Fellows pro- vides holiday-makers " whose interests lead them farther......

Russian Hazard By Dorian Blair And C. H. Dand

Russian Hazard (Robert Hale,' 'us.) might be classed as - ." just another of those Secret Service yarns," but it has one or two redeeming features. Mr. Blair, whose mother was......

Vagrant In Summer By Nina Murdoch

Miss Murdoch, an Australian journal- ist, is the author of several bright books about European countries. Vagrant in Summer (Harrap, 8s. 6d.) is the brightest so far, and •......

What Communism Means Today By Hamilton Fyfe

Mr. Fyfe has written a superficial little book (Nisbet, 3s. 6d.), which is neverthe- less not without interest ; it is a good illustration of the attempts to reconcile Communism......