13 DECEMBER 1884, page 1

At Brighton, On Tuesday, Mr. Trevelyan, Whom Sir Julian...

justly termed the real author of the Parliamentary measure for giving Household Franchise to the Counties, addressed an enthusiastic meeting in support of the Reform measures of......

News Of The Week

OME change, not yet perceptible to Europe, has taken place 1..) in the ideas of the men in power in Pekin. Last week it was believed that Lord Granville's effort to mediate......

Mr. Trevelyan Illustrated This Belief Qf His That...

be stronger in refusing to meddle in what does not concern them, even though they might gain a certain showy reputation by so doing, from the foreign policy of the aristocratic,......

*** The Editors Cannot Undertake To Return Manuscript, In...


On Thursday, M. Ferry Officially Announced The Rupture...

to the Senate, and a singular scene occurred. Marshal Catrobert did not venture to deprecate further war, but inti- mated quietly his belief that General Briere de l'Isle, in......

No Reply Has Been Received To The Proposals Of Lord

Gran- ville on Egyptian Finance, all the Powers waiting for France, while France waited to see how the Chinese negotiations would go. Meanwhile, the International Tribunal at......

M. Ferry Has Succeeded In His Little Plot. The Senate,

as he expected, rejected M. Floquet's amendment that all Senators should be elected by Departmental Household Suffrage, though by an unexpectedly narrow majority, many Senators......