13 FEBRUARY 1904, page 14

The House Of Lords And Home - Rule.

[To THY EDITOR Or THE "SPECTATOR."] Sin,—What the distant future of Irish legislation may be does not much concern us at this crisis. Let me, as a Home- ruler, point out to my......

Letters To The Editor.

[To THE EDITOB Of THE " SPECTATOR.1 SIR,—Surely the moment has come to issue a warning note to those who are fighting fiercely in the present fiscal con. troversy, and to remind......

The Over-representation Of Home-rule.

[To THE EDITOR OP Ulla "SPEOTATOR.".1 Sin,—Whatever views we take of the fiscal question, there is no dispute that a grave crisis is at hand involving the well- being of England......

The Free-trade League.

ITO THE EDITOR OF THE 'SPECTATOR."] SIE,—I enclose you a letter from Sir Robert Giffen which will, I think, be of interest to the public, and hope you will find room for it in......