13 JANUARY 1933, page 13


Road Accident in Idaho Ova eyes are dust, and grime has vilified Our mouths. Acting our Robots we have been Outmetalled ; in our tangent taken the wrong guide, Encountering an......


Death at The Acaderriy Tim Royal Academy has shown courage—a quality unusual in it. After the series of Dutch, Flemish, Italian and French Exhibitions at Burlington House it has......

Gramophone Notes

WHAT is of particular note among the Jan uary - records is that, on the evidence, the Lener String Quartet have regained their musical sanity. Dvorak's " Nigger Quartet, which......

A Hundred Years Ago

" THE SPECTATOR," JANUARY 12TH, 1833. The news from Mexico is contradictory and uncertain. The Capital was still besieged by the troops of SANTA ANNA. Don Marrum. PEDRAZA, the......