13 JUNE 1846, page 2

News Of The Week.

THE week began with an unusual stir—with reports of meetings among leading Anti-Ministerialists, and rumours that Sir Robert Peel would lie out of office by this present......

The Italian Successor Of St. Peter. At Rome, Commonly Styled

"Gregory the Sixteenth," has died, somewhat sud- denly; and the College of Cardinals is thrown into the agony of an election. The usual difficulty of choice seems likely to be......

Debates Anb Iproteetrings In 'parliament.

Tim Imes Comiciox Ban. In the House of Commons, on Monday, the order of the day for the second reading of the Preservation of Life (Ireland) Bill having been read, Sir WILLIAM......

The Would-be King-killer, Lecomte, Has Been Guillotined....

performed with unusual privacy ; thus stripping it of that theatrical display which has made punishment a pre- mium to such crimes. But it almost looked as if Ministers were......

In Mexico The United States Seem Twhave "caught A Tartar":

their General on the Texan frontier is hammed in by superior fonds, and hiAvampplies: - ard cut off. Meanwhile, their volunteers desert, and libealk of raising an army of forty......