13 JUNE 1925, page 1

Havas Declares That Great Britain Has Consented To Regard As

though they were her own for the purposes of defence the frontiers of France and Belgium adjoining Germany, and would therefore consider any violation by Germany of those......

It Will 'be Remembered That At The Peace Conference In

Paris after the War both Great Britain and America offered to sign treaties guaranteeing the security of France and 'that this plan broke down only because the whole peace......

Clearly The Negotiations For A Pact Which Deserves The Title

of " mutual " are only beginning. In the mean- time the French Agency, Havas, has published what purports to be a summary of the Franco-British document. This summary has caused......

About-three Months Ago Germany Offered To Enter Into A Pact

for mutual guarantees. The Eastern frontier of France would be regarded as permanent and inviolable. ' As regards Germany's own Eastern frontier she would be Unwilling to regard......

News Of The Week

M i ANY of the newspapers have gone badly astray this week in writing about the proposed Pact. Some of them have gone so far as to assume that it is settled that Great Britain......

Editorial And Publishing Offices : 13 York Street, Covent...

London, W.C.2.—A Subscription to the _" Spectator" costs Thirty Shillings per annum, including postage, to any part of the world. The Postage on this issue is : Inland, ld. ;......