13 MARCH 1909, page 13

Letters To The Editor.

SLAVE-GROWN COCOA. [To Tin suaTen. OF Tall -srsameren.1 SIR,—You will, I think, be glad to know, that the Co-opera- tive Wholesale Society has given up the use of the cocoa......

The Lesson Of The Recent By-elections.

rTO TRIO EDITOR OP Till "SPEOTATOlt."] Sin,—Notwithstanding their striking success in Central Glasgow, it seems to me that Unionists can only look with "modified rapture" on the......

{to Trii Editor Op Tub " Spectat0101 . Sir,—with...

the questions asked on Monday night in the House of Commons concerning cocoa grown in the Portuguese colonies of West Africa, and in view of the growing public interest in this......

The Report On The Lords.

[To TUN EDITOTt OF THII "SPEOTATOR." . 1 SIR,—Canada is atilt a political dependency of England. Her Constitution is an Act of the British Parliament, subject to change by the......

The Border Burghs Election.

[TO TII• EDITOR OFTill " SPEOTATOR.1 Sat,—May I be permitted to add one word more on the Border Burghs election now that the conflict and excitement are over ? In none of the......