13 OCTOBER 2001, page 46

Backing Both Sides

From Mr Stephen Schwartz Sir: Michael Rice (Letters, 29 September) argues that British involvement in Arab politics against the Ottoman Empire did not comprise support for......

Passport To Paradise

From Dr Mike Diboll Sir: Muslim apologists claim that suicide is prohibited in Islam, and therefore the hijackers' actions are un-Islamic. This is disingenuous. 'Intihar'......

Man Of Honour

From Mr Henry McDonald Sir: Your reference to Martin O'Hagan (Portrait of the week, 6 October) as a 'republican journalist' was totally inappropriate. Before his death, I had no......

Black V. Black

From Mr Lee Jasper Sir: Far from the complacency implied by your television reviewer James Delingpole (Arts, 29 September), the issue of black-onblack violence is one of my key......

Pointless 'great Game'

From Mr Philip Hensher Sir: Joseph Altham (Letters, 6 October) is correct to say that the 'topic', as it were, of the first Afghan war was to prevent Russia gaining domination......