14 APRIL 1906, page 15

On Caddies.

rro THE EDITOR OF TEE " SPECTATOR:1 Sin,—I italicised some of the words I quoted in your issue of March 31st from Mr. H. G. Hutchinson in order to emphasise the fact that he, a......

Lto Tier Editor Of T118 "spectator."]

Sin,—The subject to which your correspondent " Foozler " draws attention has been a matter for grave thought during the last twenty years to all interested in education. It......

[to Tim Editor Of Tub "8peotat0r.1

SIR, — "Foozler " puts the question of the employment of caddies in a very moderate manner in your issue of March 31st. But when he asks the question if a caddie be a necessary......

[to The Editor Of The "spectator."]

knew I could count on any criticism that I might receive from Mrs. Osler being personally friendly to myself. I was sure, further, that we should be in agreement as to the......