14 APRIL 1928, page 3

On Monday The Conference Passed Resolutions In Favour, Of A

return to the miners' wages fixed in, the agreement Of 1924, a s ix hour day, and a guaranteed _ • . . . living wage.. This Policy applied to the Mines would, of course, drive......

The Greatest Tactical Futility Of The Conference Was To...

with enthusiasm both the Capital Levy and the Surtax. One or the other would be_ possible, though .detrimental. But both.!. The Capital Levy would knock away the „very,......

The Conference Of The Independent Labour Party Opened...

at -Norwich. ' Many speakers in- sisted upon the importance of maintaining the Party as a distinct organization—an insistence which implied a good • deal of apprehension as to......

The Result Of The Linlithgow By-election Was Declared On...

April 5th, as follows Mr. E. Shinwell (Labour) .. .. 14,446 Miss M. Kidd (Unionist) .. • • .. 9,268 Mr. D. Young (Liberal) .. .. 5,690 - Majority .. .. 5,178 Labour thus gained......

Dr. Rosenback The American Collector, Having Acquired The...

Alice in Wonderland at a preposterous price, next bought the Ward Diary for the more reasonable sum of /10,500. This diary was kept by the Rev. John Ward, of Stratford-on-Avon,......

The Archbishop Of Canterbury Celebrated His 80th Birthday...

and we would add our sincere 'congratulations to the many which he has received. Canterbury honoured the occasion in the -manner which, We may be sure, was most to the liking......

We Regret To Record The Death Of Mr. Chauncey Depew,

in his ninety-fourth year. No American was more appreciated by Englishmen than Mr. Depew in his day ' ; he was known not merely as one of the greatest orators in the world, but......

He Argued That The I L P Was As Necessary

as ever, in spite of all that Mr. Snowden had said—necessary to ginger up the Labour Party. The I.L.P., he declared, was the only party which had something really attractive to......

Bank -rate, 41 Per Cent., Changed From 5 Per Cent.,

on April 21st, 1927. War Loan (5 per cent.) was on Wednesday 108* ; on Wednesday week 102*; a year ago 102. Funding Loan (4 per cent.) was on Wednesday 92; on Wednesday Week......