14 APRIL 1967, page 18


ART BRYAN ROBERTSON The scene in the galleries just now provides me with a theme touching on current problems of figuration as opposed to complete abstraction, and on the new......

Martha's Myths

BALLET CLEMENT CRISP There is nothing quite so dispiriting as being on the outside looking in—in this case sitting In a theatre surrounded by an enraptured audience while you......

Rapier Of The Week Arts

HILARY SPURLING Opening late in the richest week in the theatre so far this year, Le Ieu de tamour et du hasard has been more or less crowded out, not to say cold-shouldered.......


Flanders hair PENELOPE HOUSTON Intimate Lighting (Paris-Pullman, 'A') The Sand Pebbles (Metropole, 'A') Some movies make life hard for themselves, and harder still for the......