14 DECEMBER 1907, page 26

Arizona Nights. By Stewart Edward White.- (fodder And...

are some most readable, and 'at times exciting, yarns of the Arizona desert, the e Alkali." They are chiefly cattlemen's stories ; at least the dialect is based on that of the......

Mankind And The Church. Edited By The Right Rev. H.

H. Montgomery. (Longmaias and Co. 75. 6d. net.)—The sub-title of this book is : "An Attempt to Estimate the Contribution of the Great Races to the Fullness of the Church of......

Some Books Of The Week.

[Under this heading we notice such Books of the week as have not been reserved for review in other forms.1 Oxford and Cambridge Review, No. 2. (A. Constable and Co. 2s. 6d.......

Readable Novrts. — Christmas At Poverty Castle. By Tom...

6s.)—A very melodramatic tale with a touch of farce, but quite entertaining.—Muggins of the Modern Side. By Edmund Francis Seller. (W. Blackwood and Sons. 6s.) —A tale of......

Thomas Alva Edison. By Francis Arthur Jones. (hodder And'...

6s.)—Interesting as is the history of Mr.. Edison's successes, the reader will find the greatest pleasure of all in the story of his early days ; -his first adventures as a......

History Of Queen's County. By. Canon O'hanlon And The Rev.

Edward O'Leary, P.P. Vol. L (Sealy, Bryers, and Walker- 20s.)—This first volume contains an account of the physical characteristics, the geology, fauna, and flora of the county......

Praise Of The Simple Life. Compiled By Ernest C. Baker.

(G. Routledge and Sons. 2s. -fid. net.)—This is an anthology, divided chronologically into sections. The first takes us back to the classics from Moschus to Virgil. Then under......

Bath Under Beau Nash. By Lewis Melville. (eveleigh Nash....

net.)—We may be allowed to congratulate ourselves on the fact that the dominimi Which Beau Nash exercised over the fashionables who gathered at Bath for fifty years and more is......

Studies In Poetry. By Stopford A. Brooke. (duckworth And I

Co. 6s. net.)—Three of these six papers are given to Shelley, one to William Blake, another to Walter Scott, and the sixth to Keats. Perhaps the Scott lecture is the best.......