14 DECEMBER 1951, page 18

Apples For Market

have been very interested in the letter of " S.M." and that of Mr. H. J. Massingham in your recent issues. No import duties, quotas, restrictions or voluntary marketing boards......

“the Guardian"

Srit—I write as an admirer both of the Spectator and the Guardian, and I write with real regret -to answer the paragraph in your Spectator's Notebook of December 7th. The......

The School Meals Subsidy

SIR,—A few weeks ago I invited, in a Spectator CompetitioN imitation circulars from the Ministry of Education " explaining " the curious anomaly that boarders at maintained......

Letters To The Erirtor

The Future of Cyprus Sut,Owing to absence from London I have only today read the article under this title appearing in your issue of November 23rd. Even if I cannot entirely......